Thursday, 7 February 2008

Terrorism, fear and politics

I have really never understood it. The modern concept of government that is.
I understand that we need some kind of central administration of our society, it is without doubt the backbone of modern life.
But why does the government really need to know what we say, what we do and who we do it with? All modern governments have been given the power to defend itself against its own citizens. Do we really want this? Do we REALLY want a government that can classify a private person or organization as a threat to society, and then take action against the threat?
Who will govern the government? Who will police the police?

So much power has been centralized in one entity, that I am now more afraid of my government than the terrorists. Because its only a question of time before all that power is put in the wrong hands.

Since the media keep hyping up the threat of terror to boost sales, the politicians know that they have only two alternatives. Either they take a stand for freedom and start burning votes, or they ride the waves. Guess what? Politicians are people, sort of. And people like power. And from votes come power. And the more power is centralized in the positions they fight about, the bigger is the draw for the wrong kind of people to pursue a career in politics.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Where can I find a party the really speaks to me? A party who will crate a small government whose only concerns are fine tuning of an otherwise free market, and a universal social security net?

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